Cuomo under fire. Will he step aside? (Updated. The answer is no.)


Long Island Democratic state senators and U.S. congress members have called on Cuomo to resign or step aside because of ongoing sexual harrassment -- and assault -- allegations.

Long Island Democrats have been some of Cuomo's strongest supporters. Nassau Democratic Chairman Jay Jacobs is also the state chairman.

But a seventh accuser has comes forward, according to news reports.

Cuomo has called a 1 p.m. news conference for today. Friday afternoons are traditionally the time to dump bad news because of the lag of readers for newspapers and viewers for broadcast news from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning.

But as one wag puts it, the traditional time for bad-news release is 3 or 4 p.m. not 1 p.m.

The Democratic majority in the state Assembly reportedly have enough votes to impeach Cuomo, which may force him to act.  

Cuomo, however, has been adamant that he will not resign.

So let's see what happens.  

UPDATE: Cuomo remains Cuomo.

According to a breaking news report from the, the three-term Democratic governor again said he will not resign even as his party deserts him. 

"Let the review proceed, I’m not going to resign, I was not elected by the politicians, I was elected by the people,” Cuomo said, according to the Hill.


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