Democratic Chairman responds to GOP attacks

Nassau Democratic Chairman Jay Jacobs, who is also the state Democratic chairman, is denouncing  campaign flyers that link Oyster Bay Town Clerk James Altadonna, Jr. to former Republican Oyster Bay Town Supervisor John Venditto.

Altadonna is a registered Republican running on the Democratic ballot line against Republican incumbent Joe Saladino for Oyster Bay Supervisor. Venditto was acquitted last year of federal corruption charges but the 70-year-old Republican pleaded guilty to two state white-collar offenses this year in return for no jail time, no probation and no community service.

Jacobs in a letter warns the flyers, which went to Democratic households, are meant to "SUPRESS THE DEMOCRATIC VOTE." (Like the GOP flyers, which misspelled Altadonna's name, Jacobs misspelled suppress. It seems both parties are in need of copy editors, who are paid to correct spelling, grammar and factual errors.)
In his letter, Jacobs said Altadonna has been ANYTHING BUT a "Venditto Republican." Altadonna, he said, opposed Republican corruption "FROM THE START."

Then Jacobs notes that he has been the Nassau Democratic chairman for 18 years and names the party's current federal, state and county office holders, including state senators Anna Kaplan of Great Neck and Todd Kaminsky of Long Beach.

Ironically, Republicans challenging Democratic Hempstead Supervisor Laura Gillen for re-election this year have put out flyers saying to vote against against Gillen because she "stood with extreme Democrats" like Kaplan and Kaminsky.  

The new Albany Democratic majority this year, including Long Island's Democratic senators, passed progressive criminal justice reforms that eliminate cash bail for non-violent crimes and require that suspects be given more information about their alleged crime victims and witnesses.

But Jacobs is writing to Democrats, after all, who voted for the new Albany Democratic majority.



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