Community Groups protest Nassau police protection bill
From Long Island United to transform policing and community safety Facebook page Black and brown community groups on Monday are planning to protest a bill being considered by the county legislature that would amend the county's Human Rights law to include police officers and other first responders as a protected class. The bill would prohibit discriminatory actions against any first responder, impose fines as much as $25,000 per violation, and open the alleged perpetrators to civil lawsuits for damages. From the Hempestead Branch of NAACP The prohibited acts are defined as harrassing, menacing, injuring or assaulting a first responder because they are a first responder. If the first responder is in uniform, or otherwise clearly identified, there would be "an irrebuttable presumption" that such discriminatory acts are motivated by the first responders' status. Legis. Joshua Lafazan of Woodbury, who is not affiliated with a political party but caucuses and votes with...